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Community Designation
In the United States, tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable death, causing more than 480,000 deaths each year from its harmful effects. Policy, systems and environmental change create a positive roadmap for municipalities to move towards building healthier communities.
Tobacco Free for a Healthy NJ (TFHNJ) has teamed up with Sustainable Jersey to assist municipalities moving towards a Tobacco-Free Community. Below you will learn how a municipality can achieve this designation and how TFHNJ can help.

Maplewood Township
Westfield Township
Woodbridge Township
Montgomery Township
Bernardsville Township
Oradell Township
Clifton Township
Vineland Township
Secaucus Township

To earn the Tobacco-Free Community designation from the New Jersey Prevention Network, a municipality must earn a minimum
of 15 points.
Tobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey provides free resources to help your municipality create a tobacco-free community.
Resources include: public education and outreach campaign materials, translation services, youth prevention and cessation, promotional materials, and more.

Sign can be earned upon achieving 15 points
Learn how your municipality can get involved and earn points towards the Tobacco-Free Community Designation!
For every action your municipality completes, points are earned. See below for what your municipality can do to create a Sustainability Jersey!
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