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STOMP Out Youth Tobacco Use


What is STOMP?

Merchant Education Materials

Merchant education is an essential part of tobacco control and prevention. The point of sale is the front line of defense for youth tobacco use. By educating the merchants on the age of sale and the proper way to check an I.D. we can help reduce youth tobacco use. You can help STOMP Out Youth Tobacco Use by educating your community. This program is part of a comprehensive approach to tobacco control and is considered a best practice to help reduce the non-compliance rates in NJ. Below are some of the components to this program.

Below you will find downloadable documents to help prepare to educate the merchants of your region. You can download the responsible retailer pledge, merchant education script & educational materials for schools. To receive your stickers and palm cards to educate tobacco retailers on the new age of sale and the STOMP 21 Campaign in your target communities please fill out the appropriate order form at the bottom of this page. A regional Tobacco Free for a Healthy NJ coordinator will provide technical assistance to you and your coalitions to schedule and set-up tobacco retailer audits, to help pass policy that will reduce youth tobacco use and youth exposure to tobacco advertising.

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Tobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey is funded through the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Tobacco Control and Prevention. 

Contact Information
E |

P | 732-367-0611

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