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APRIL 1, 2022
What is Take Down Tobacco: National Day of Action?
Take Down Tobacco, a fresh take on Kick Butts Day, is the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids’ signature platform for empowering people to stand up and speak out against the tobacco industry. The Take Down Tobacco program is a 365 day a year effort that culminates every spring with the Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action.
This year’s Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action will be held on April 1, 2022. This year also marks the 27th occurrence of this event, and there have been many important victories since the first Kick Butts Day was held in 1996.
Take Down Tobacco
Tobacco Free for a Healthy New Jersey (TFHNJ) is New Jersey’s largest collaborative effort to reduce the health consequences of tobacco use — including vaping — and the harm from secondhand smoke exposure through prevention, education and cessation in all 21 counties, including 11 Quit Centers.
Co-led by the New Jersey Prevention Network and Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative, with funding from the NJ Department of Health Office of Tobacco Control, TFHNJ engages local coalitions and public health advocates to promote tobacco-free initiatives through 10 regional coalitions.
Tobaco Free for A Healthy NJ
Incorruptible.Us is TFHNJ's youth initiative. Tobacco Free for a Healthy NJ is working with NJ Youth through the Youth Tobacco Action Groups - a prevention and cessation program for youth 13-18. Each county in NJ has a county youth tobacco action group. These groups are working to decrease youth tobacco use and initiation.
Campagin fo Tobacco Free Kids
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